Books for Children to
Divorce Happens to the
Nicest Kids: A Self-Help Book for Kids (M. S.
Magic Words Handbook for
Kids (Kent Winchester)
Good-Bye, Daddy! (Brigitte Weninger)
The Divorce Helpbook for
Kids (Cynthia MacGregor)
The Boys and Girls Book
About Divorce, With an Introduction for Parents (Richard Gardner)
Straight Talk About
Divorce (Kay M. Portersfield)
Divorce Is Not the End of
the World: Zoe's and Evan's Coping Guide for Kids (Ellen S. Stern, Zoe Stern & Evan Stern)
How It Feels When Parents
Divorce (Jill Krementz)
It's Not the End of the
World (Judy Blume)
My Life Turned Upside Down,
But I Turned It Rightside Up (Mary Field &
Hennie Shore)
What Can I Do?: A Book for
Children of Divorce (Danielle Lowry)
For Better, For Worse: A
Guide to Surviving Divorce for Preteens and Their
Families (Janet Bode & Stan Mack)
My Parents Are Divorced,
Too: A Book for Kids by Kids (Jan Blackstone-Ford
et al)
Don't Fall Apart on
Saturdays! The Children's Divorce Survival Book (Adolph Moser)
Making Your Way After Your
Parents' Divorce: A Supportive Guide for Personal
Growth (Lynn Cassella & Father Theodore
What In the World Do You Do
When Your Parents Divorce? A Survival Guide for
Kids (Kent Winchester et al)
When Mom and Dad Separate (Marge Heegaard)
The Hurt (Teddi Doleski)